This cuff is inspired by the folk art of the Cherokee tribe Indians of North America, designed by Doina of Kalyana Designs. Be sure to visit Kalyana Design Tutorials YouTube channel where she offers so much more!
Materials and Tools Needed
- Pasta Machine
- *Polymer Clay: Black, White, Cadmium Yellow, Turquoise, Pomegranate Red (Links are for clay used in this tutorial. See below for other suggested options)
- Souffle Poppy Seed or Black Fimo Leather Clay
- Extruder and 1cm Square Disc (All Makin's Extruders come with this disc except the 35099 set)
- Oval Cutter and Circle Cutter
- Bake and Bond or Liquid Clay
- Rigid Blade/Knife
- Sandpaper
- Needle Tool or Toothpick
- Ruler
- Hand Drill or small drill bits
- Metallic Silver Wax or Paste
- Suede Cord
- Wooden Bead
*Clay Suggested:
Premo was used for this tutorial. You could also use:
Souffle - Poppy Seed, Igloo, Robin's Egg, Canary Yellow, Cherry Pie
Fimo Professional - Black, White, Yellow, Turquoise, Carmine Red