If you notice that some of your Cernit polymer clay has lost its flexibility you can use the softener without fear of discoloring the color.
For 2/3 of polymer clay Cernit Number One, Metallic, Nature ... use 1/3 of the softener. If necessary, use the pasta machine to mix faster and more efficiently. Once it is well mixed and your clay uniform, you can work normally. The color does not change anything. All ranges, including the Doll, can be softened using this article. In countries with extreme temperatures, the softener may be needed to soften a very cold clay or a clay that was stored in a place that is a bit too warm.
Cernit Soft Mix is available in 56g pieces.
The baking mode of the Cernit does not change if you use the Soft Mix!
Be sure to read Ginger's review at The Blue Bottle Tree!
Cernit Soft Mix 56g/2 oz Mfg. date 2023
I can press the bar and feel that it is pliable
I used his to make my clay soften up with out being sticky. This is a must have in my craft room.
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