Don't let the title fool you! The projects in this book can be adapted to clay you bake in your oven. When you get your book with all the fun projects, don't hesitate to send a note if you have questions about how to adapt any of the techniques. You will find projects by: by Debbie Tlach, Michele Charles, Kim Cavender, Leslie Blackford, Judy Belcher, Tammy L. Browning-Smith, Gail Ritchey, Sue Kelsey and Mary Lynn Maloney
Design Originals-No Bake Air-Dry Clay DESIGN ORIGINALS-No Bake Air Dry Clay. This book offers fresh enticing ideas that combine clay colors and tools. Crafters worldwide are discovering new and exciting ways to use this favorite medium to create home decor one-of-a-kind jewelry and exciting embellishments for scrapbooks and cards. All ages enjoy working with versatile clay that dries to a durable and hard finish overnight. This book includes: Beginner to intermediate levels 19 pages basic tool instructions helpful clay tips and tricks projects include jewelry gifts cards and home decor. |
Use products and supplies you have or take a look at the following list of tools we carry. These tools are used in various projects in the book but of course can be substituted for tools you may have on hand. Makin's Ultimate Clay Machine (the Motor is nice to have too)Makin's Professional Ultimate Clay ExtruderCobblestone Texture Sheet from Makin's Set AMakin's 3 Piece Cutter Sets - Square, Heart, Circle, Star, Flower and RectangleMakin's Push Mold - LeavesMakin's Rolling Wheel Cutter (Found in the 27 or 24 piece Tool Set)Geo Cutters Set (a great tin of cutters)Mini Geo Cutters Set (another great tin of cutters!)Kemper Circle or Rose Cutter SetKemper Needle Tool |