Introducing Freebie Fridays!

Jan 15th 2025

Introducing Freebie Fridays!

Introducing Freebie Fridays! 

Discover how to snag a freebie every Friday. Plus, enjoy a 25% discount on Poly Clay Play Cutters and various other deals on clay, stamps, and more when you shop in the Valentine's Day Sale category!


Spread the Word! Share the excitement with your friends. The more orders, the more amazing sales I can offer!

Earn Valuable Coupons! Share and earn Perk Points that can be turned into valuable coupons. Click "Check Perk Points" at the bottom of every page and click "Earn" to start accumulating more points!

Here's a list of places you could post pictures or share your interest:

Exciting News! I loved seeing Melly's excitement when she tried out my texture roller handle for the first time! Use the code below to get yours at a discount!


Pick Your Sale coupons are still active!!

If you haven't used the coupons before, shop now and save!

  1. You can only use one coupon code per order.
  2. You can use one or all of the coupons, but orders cannot be combined.
  3. Coupon codes can only be used once per customer/address (this may change).
  4. Coupon codes may be changed or new ones may be added so check the News and Coupons blog before shopping. (The link is at the top of every page at Poly Clay Play)

Here are the coupon codes that are set up at the moment. They may change or disappear so don't wait to get your favorites!

  • Poly Clay Play Texture Rollers 35% off Coupon Code: PCPRollers
  • Poly Clay Play Cutters 35% off Coupon Code: PCPCutters
  • Cernit Clay 10% off Coupon Code: PCPCernit
  • Fimo Clay 10% off Coupon Code: PCPFimo
  • Kato Clay 10% off Coupon Code: PCPKato
  • Pardo Clay 10% off Coupon Code: PCPPardo
  • Premo Clay 10% off Coupon Code: PCPPremo
  • Lisa Pavelka Stamps 25% off Coupon Code: PCPLP
  • Christi Friesen Stamps 25% off Coupon Code: PCPCF

Final note: If you've never used a coupon code at Poly Clay Play, CLICK HERE to read more information. Let me know if there's something you would like to get on sale and I'll consider adding a code.