A collection of various waxes, resins and high concentrations of pigments, for resistance to water and common chemical agents with enhanced tint retention and hiding ability for coloring and highlighting interior and exterior applications.
It is formulated to become a dry, hard and durable wax medium that can sit on the shelf indefinitely. Adding thinner to the portion of paste can rejuvenate it for easier workability.
1 ounce - covers 30 square feet.
GIlders Paste has a strong odor similar to paint thinner. If you don't like the smell or the fact that you have to add paint thinner to it, I recommend Inka Gold. It has no odor and can be cleaned up with water. Each product has it's own great qualities.
Each Sold Separately
Preparing your surface:
Porous materials such as cement, wood, ceramic, bisque ware, paper, gourds, polymer clay, traditional clay, modeling clay, paper mashie, decoupage, foam and alike all have a mechanical tooth which is a proper surface for Gilders Paste to attach to.
Other material such as wrought iron, metal castings, hand forgings, mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, silver, glass, gloss painted surfaces, plastics, and other type of substrates need the surface to be distressed by either, sand blasting with fine silica sand, 400 grit sand paper, etching solution such as a glass etching solution or Sparex, coarse steel wool, wire brush or painted with a primer coat. You want to treat Gilders Paste as a finish coat.
Also make sure the surface is free of all surface contaminants such as, water, scale, dirt, grease, oil are removed.
The product is hard, is there anything I can do to rejuvenate the product?
Please note: Poly Clay Play strives to send the best quality products. Gilders Paste needs reviving, as explained by the manufacturer below. If you receive a can of Gilders Paste that has hardened into a solid "floating cake", here is what the manufacturer provides as the way to make the paste good as new...
Please note, it is normal for it to come to you hard. I receive it that way from my supplier and here is his response when I complained...
Just add a few drops of either; paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine or Turpenoid (turpentine substitute) knife in and mix. You're ready to go. The ability to rejuvenate this product allows a long shelf life. There is no need to mix up the whole tin, just mix what you need as you need it. Gilders Paste goes a long way.
Important: Do not use any oil base cleaners/solvents such as Turpenoid Natural. The oil content of these type of cleaners/solvents will not allow the Gilders Paste to dry and will remain wet or tacky for days to weeks. If you have accidentally used this type cleaner/solvent leave the tin open until completely dried out and then follow the suggestion for rejuvenation above.
Click Product Videos to see how to revive it.
Caution — Use in a well ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Follow safety instructions carefully. Not suitable for use by children.
Caution — Follow safety instructions carefully. Not suitable for use by children.
May require reconstituting with a few drops of either; paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine or Turpenoid (turpentine substitute) knife in and mix. Please read the description for more details.
Best in game
This is my most favorite gilding wax. It gives the most beautiful metallic finish, dries well, buffs to perfect shine. And the fact that it can be rejuvenated so easily makes it irreplaceable.