This Makin’s Extruder Storage Box is specifically designed to store the Makin’s clay extruder itself and discs. Keep the box right side up or the discs will end up in different compartments, although they won't fall out. You could add a magnet to the floor of the disc compartments so the discs won't fall out. This box ensures that your extruder is protected, organized, and ready for use whenever you’re working on your clay projects.
- The Makin’s Extruder Holder Box serves as a dedicated storage solution for the Makin’s clay extruder.
- It keeps the extruder safe from damage, dust, and accidental drops.
- The box allows easy access to the extruder when needed.
- The holder box is compact, sturdy, and portable.
- It has a removable top cover.
- Custom Fit: The interior of the box is shaped to perfectly accommodate the Makin’s clay extruder.
- Secure Closure: The box lid fits snugly.
Remember that having a dedicated storage box for your Makin’s clay extruder ensures that it remains in excellent condition and is always within reach for your creative clay projects! Colors will vary. Extruder and Discs sold separately.