Best Flexible Molds can be used with Hot Glue to create your own clay Stamps!
by Penni Jo Couch
You can create clay stamps using hot glue or UTEE and our shallow molds.
To make a stamp of clay, dip the stamp into a bit of water or powder to prevent sticking.
Hot Glue: By slowly squeezing the glue into the opening, it will fill with glue. If you are getting air bubbles, go a bit faster or slower to eliminate the bubbles.
UTEE: Pour melted UTEE into an opening. When cool, remove and add a hot glue stick handle if desired.
Choose an appropriate opening in your mold, the ones that are more flat than rounded work best shown is PJ020 Oak Arbor Mold.
When the glue is cool, remove the molded stamp from the mold.
Cut a small piece of hot glue stick, about one inch long.
Using the tip of the hot glue gun, melt the one end of the piece of hot glue stick onto the back of the stamp.
Stamp with handle.
To stamp the entire image, press all of the parts of the stamp into the clay, rocking gently to imprint the entire stamp into the clay.
Above, dragon fly stamp with two leaf stamps. We stamped the smaller leaf to make a leafy background, then stamped the larger leaf over the smaller leaves.