KATO BASIC CONDITIONING BAR wants your crumbly, old clay- and it will make them seem as if those bars are fresh from the factory.
KATO BASIC CONDITIONING BAR is a polymer clay conditioner in a bar form. It is colorless and was developed to help artists soften their clay to their liking.
When clay is conditioned with our Kato Basic, it enhances the clay's ability to remain nice and pliable through the test of time.
- Easy-to-use
- No spills/less mess/ more control
- Conditions those extra-firm polymer clay bars at the bottom of your clay stash
- Oven-hardening
- Cures strong and flexible
It is so fresh it doesn’t take much and have to be mindful to not overuse.
Kato Conditioning Bar
Conditioning clay helps with Cernit. Sculpey, Fimo. I had a lot of scrap clay with mixed brands, and I was able to my scraps into new colors, using Conditioning Clay.
Kato Conditioning Bar
I bought this Kato Clay Conditioner so I could repurpose a bunch of older clay that has just been in a bin. The old clay was mostly Premo clay with varying degrees of age. I chopped the old clay up before I added the conditioner. Ratio wise I added an old clay amount that would equal roughly 2- 2oz blocks of clay. The amount of conditioner I added equaled about what you would get if you took a 2 oz block of clay, cut off one of the 4 bars, then cut one of those bars into 4 equal pieces and take one of those 4 pieces. I hope this makes sense as it really took that small of an amount to condition 2- 2oz blocks of clay. I couldn’t believe how beautiful the texture was of the old clay once I conditioned it thoroughly. You would not think for a second that it was old clay because it conditioned so beautifully. Just keep working the clay and have faith, that’s what I learned. Some of the old clay chopped pieces were like hard Little Rocks and I debated whether I should take them out, which I didn’t. I just kept working the clay with my roller and the clay machine. This conditioner is AMAZING!!! And this whole block will last you a long, long time!!! Donna Kato has created for us another wonderful product that will save and allow us to repurpose tons of old, unused clay!!!