FREE! Tutorial has 3 pages with 10+ photos/drawings.
Step by Step instructions for preparing baked polymer clay cabochons on which to color along with some hints on layering the colors for best effect. The portrait shown is on a 30 by 40 polymer clay cabochon molded using PJ004 Dominoes and More flexible mold. (Shown next to pendant)
Mention of the "Sweet Spirit" stamp used is written to give credit for the stamp. I'm sorry but you may have a hard time finding it. I recommend you give drawing a try or use a similar stamp.
Metal frame is from Fire Mountain Gems.
There is no charge for this tutorial. When you check out, you will receive a download link.
Penni Jo Couch created this wonderful, "Coloring Stamped or Hand Drawn Images on Baked Polymer Clay" tutorial to go with the Dominoes and More mold.